Mildura Primary School No. 2915 is one of four large primary schools in the Mildura Rural City Council local government area. The school currently serves a student enrolment of about 360.
We are extremely proud of our schools 130+ year tradition of educating children from the Mildura community. Our wonderfully multicultural town with its deep cultural diversity is reflected in the enrolment at MPS, pair this with a genuine focus on student learning needs and a high expectations culture for all students and the success we are having at our school is immense.
Mildura Primary School has a firm focus on student outcomes and is committed to preparing students for further education and life. The school provides a quality teaching program catering for the needs of the individual and has specialist teaching in Physical Education, Performing Arts, Barkindji, Library and Visual Arts. We provide many programs to cater for the children and the local community. This environment is very adaptable with moving walls, gymnasium surface, Visual Art and Performance spaces.
We take great pride at Mildura Primary in the way our school looks and presents itself to the local community and our school is extremely fortunate to have access to substantial Mildura Rural City Council community facilities adjacent to the school. These include a library, indoor and outdoor pools and ovals. Regular use is made of these facilities throughout the year.
The school provides outstanding experiences for each student. Our Catch cry of ‘Kids First @ Mildura Primary’ dictates what we do, think and act when educating our students. A ‘High Expectations’ environment caters for the individualised learning of every student.